






DM7A - March 2010 Results and Pictures

DM7A - QTH Hirtstein, JO60OM, 888m ASL


from left to right: Fred, DM3F - Hartmut, DG2DWL - Steffen, DH1DM - Mario, DH5YM - Tilo, DH1FM - Seb, DM1KL - Harald "der Vorsitzende", DG3UH

Results by bands

Band Callsign QSOs DXCC claimed Score ODX Equipment Place %  lost CM ptns
2m DL0TUD (op DH5YM) 243 11 50851 SM7GVF - JO77GP - 798km 8el + big wheel - 400W 30. 3,4 94
  DM1KL 242 9 53502 F0DTB - JN29HS  - 618km  
28. 4,7 94
  DH1DM 80 6 14582 S55SR - JN65UM - 558km   190. 4,6 58
70cm DM3F (op DH5FS) 162 11 38870 OZ9PZ - JO46LC - 682km 21el + 14el - 400W 8. 7,2 97
  DM1KL ca. 25   2500     70. - 69
  DG3UH 71 5 13566 PE1RLF/P - JO22VE -548km   27. 1,4 88
23cm DH1FM 73 9 18352 IZ4BEH - JN54VK - 685km 1.4m dish + quads - 120W 1. 6,5 100
3cm DM7A 12 2 1188 OK1IA - JO70UP - 178km 60cm offset dish - 4W 2. 0 -
24GHz DM7A 6 2 604 OL4K - JO70TQ - 172km 40cm dish - 1W 1. 0 -

Official DARC results


This year we try something new, we participate in the german "Clubmeisterschaft" for our local radio club OV TU Dresden DOK S07. This competition favors 
single OP activity and includes also several shortwave contests. So the first contest of that style brought several problems with our logging programm VUSC which resulted in a loss of abt 140 QSOs on 2m. Also conditions on Saturday were way down, but better on Sunday. March is always a struggle with snow 900m ASL.

But all in all we were quite satisfied with the results and look forward to May.


relaxted contest breakfast

Mario on 2m still happy (he lost 140QSOs by
a programme error)

men and their dishes

Seb at the 70cm station with the brand new K3

3cm station powered by Nudelsalat(it was frozen!)

quite a bit of snow


a picture of the 2m station with take-off to west in the back

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