Am 17.04. wird das Radio Teleskop in Arecibo, Puerto Rico EME auf 70cm senden. Bei einem Antennengewinn von >50dBi sollte mit einer Antenne schon gut EME möglich sein.
In less that two weeks the Arecibo Observatory Amateur Radio Club will
again put the 1000-foot radio telescope on the air for 432 MHz EME.
The scheduled times of operation are:
April 16: 1645 – 1930 UTC
April 17: 1740 – 2020 UTC
April 18: 1840 – 2125 UTC
Callsign: KP4AO
Tx Frequency: 432.045 MHz
Rx Frequency: 432.050 to 432.060+
Tx power: 400 W
Antenna gain: 60 dBi
System noise temp: 120 K (cold sky)
System noise temp: 330 K (when pointed at moon)
KP4AO can be heard with a small hand-held yagi pointed at the moon, and
a good receiver. A 15 dBi antenna and 100 W will be enough to work us
on CW.
Operators at KP4AO will do their best to work as many stations as
possible. Each session will start with a brief announcement and CQ in
SSB. SSB QSOs may continue for 30 minutes to an hour, if the QSO rate
remains high. The mode will be shifted to CW as soon as it is judged
that higher QSO rates would result.
We will listen for calls at frequencies 5-15 kHz higher than our own,
and even higher if QRM warrants. Callers who s-p-r-e-a-d o-u-t are
more likely to be copied.
If you’ve already worked us in any mode, please do not call again —
give others a chance.
If we call „CQ QRP“, we will listen for stations running 100 W or less
to a single yagi. Please do not answer such a CQ if you are running
more power or have a larger antenna.
On April 18, if we reach a condition where most calling stations have
been worked, and we judge that operating in the digital mode JT65B would
produce a higher QSO rate, we will switch to JT65B.
Note that any of these planned operating strategies may be changed as
circumstances dictate.
We are extremely fortunate to have been granted access to the world’s
largest radio telescope for this amateur radio good-will event. We look
forward to working as many stations as possible in the alloted time!
— 73 from Joe, K1JT, on behalf of all the gang at KP4AO