Category Archives: Alte Beiträge
Betreiberwechsel bei & Announcement
December 31, 2008
Dear fellow hams,
After 13 years of providing hams with no cost web space, e-mail forwarding and mailing list services through and, I have decided to retire. All and servers and Internet connections at my home QTH are being turned down.
Scott KA9FOX has graciously decided to pick up where I left off, and he is in the process of migrating all services to new hardware. See below for an update on the status of the migration.
I want to thank all of you for all of your support over the years, and I hope that you will support Scott as he takes over the reigns.
See you on the air!
73 – Al Waller, K3TKJ
Server Migration Update from Scott KA9FOX <>
Last Update: Jan 2, 2009 07:55z
Thank you for your patience as this transition is made. All services are being moved onto brand new hardware in a well-connected data center in the central US. This web page will be updated so you can stay informed of the progress.
If you would like to make a contribution to support my efforts to keep / on the web, see the Donation Page.
DUR Aktivitätskontest
Ignoranz oder Unwissenheit
folgendes fand ich im Sachsenrundspruch; tja, in den USA sieht das btw so aus: Amateurfunkdienst zur Unterstuetzung bei Kata- strophen - mitgeteilt von Christina Hildebrandt, DO1JUR, Justitiarin DARC e. V. - Auf unser Gespraechsangebot vom 12.09.2007 bzw. 12.09.2008 (siehe Vorstands-Info vom 13.09.2007) geben wir das Schreiben des Bundesamtes fuer Bevoelkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe vom November wie folgt zur Kenntnis: "Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, fuer Ihr Engagement im Katastrophenschutz zum Wohle der Bevoelkerung moechte ich mich herzlich bedanken. Eine der Aufgaben des BBK in Katastrophenfaellen ist das Zusammenfassen von Informationen und die Weiterver- teilung. Dies wird vom Gemeinsamen Melde- und Lagezen- trum von Bund und Laendern (GMLZ) wahrgenommen. Eine weitere Aufgabe stellt die fachliche Beratung der Laender bei bestimmten Lagen, z. B. dem Massenanfall von Verletzten, dar. Zu den Lagezentren der Innenministerien der Laender gibt es in meinem Hause mehrere, redundante Wege, auch von terrestrischer Kommunikation unabhaengige. Aus diesen Gruenden ist eine Nutzung des Amateurfunks zur Aufgabenerfuellung in meinem Haus nicht vorstell- bar. Ich bitte daher um Verstaendnis, dass ein Gespraech- stermin nicht sinnvoll erscheint. Ich danke Ihnen nochmals fuer Ihr Engagement ... "
DARC 10m Kontest
Bericht von der IARU Konferenz in Kroatien
Download bei der RSGB
GB3VHF to close down in December 2008 After nearly fifty years of near continuous service from the transmitting station at Wrotham in Kent (JO01DH), the 2 metre beacon GB3VHF will fall silent towards the end of December 2008. For a good few years the beacon enjoyed the site facilities at Wrotham by means of a ‘peppercorn rent’. At this time the site was owned and operated by the amateur radio friendly BBC. During the 1990’s the site and facilities was acquired by Crown Castle Transmission Ltd and around that time the RSGB were involved in negotiations with site providers such as Crown Castle, NTL and Pye Telecommunications Ltd, with regard to site sharing fees that the site sharers thought more accurately reflected the true cost of accommodating and providing mast sharing facilities for amateur radio equipment, such as beacons and repeaters. At that time it was decided that ‘peppercorn rents’ would cease and that site sharing costs would rise to meet a substantial proportion of the commercial rate applicable at that time. The rent increases were applied on an escalating scale and it was found by many groups that the increases could not be met and consequently many groups had to quit these sites. One example of this at the time was the 70cms repeater GB3NK which used to sit alongside GB3VHF. Once the site rental had reached a certain level the Kent Repeater Group could not afford to pay for any increases and so the repeater site sharing agreement was terminated, and the repeater was removed from the site. This story was a common feature of repeaters across the UK and most keepers removed their units from these premier sites. The RSGB continued to pay site rental for some beacons, which were considered by the site owners at that time to be used for scientific purposes (they still are!!). However, gradually the owners applied greater site rental increases until such a time that the site rentals became unsustainable. This is now the situation with GB3VHF and the society has decided that they are not prepared to pay further increases to the new site owners Arqiva Services. The RSGB have decided that future site rentals would mean that the beacon keeper would have to pay 50% of the 2009 site rental and to pay 100% of the site rental in 2010. As the figures involved are substantial, this is considered to be a major expenditure and consequently not within the possibility of one person (or even a group) to pay. One answer could be to seek donations from users, but the task of achieving this on an annual basis and the probability of not being able to achieve the required figure every year, together with ever increasing annual costs make it a formidable task. The financial liability would put the beacon keeper in a very risky position indeed. Another consideration which has led to the decision to close, has been that of the problems with gaining access to the beacon site which have been made very much more difficult during the past year. Extensive security measures have been put into place by the site owner, thus making ‘out of hours’ access a difficult process that cannot always be guaranteed 24 hours a day. It is a licensing requirement that the beacon can be closed down in an emergency at any time day or night. These two major problems have led to the only viable decision, and that is to cease operation of GB3VHF from the Wrotham site. This is very regrettable as the beacon was completely modernised only two and a half years ago and turned the beacon into one of the most advanced units of its kind in the world. The amateur radio community both in the UK and Europe have welcomed the new beacon facilities such as it’s GPS locked on-air frequency accuracy, on/off CW keying, JT65B and precise timing. Comments received have been very favourable indeed, and I know that the beacon will be considered a great loss to VHF users in many parts of the UK and mainland Europe. During the last two and a half years the beacon has been received in more than seventy locator squares and the greatest distance being Tunisia in locator JM56HJ at 1849 kms. As for the future, attempts will be made to secure a new viable and sustainable site that may hopefully provide coverage similar to that currently enjoyed. However, such sites that don’t involve enormous rents, these days are very difficult to find, and it is likely that a suitable site to relocate the beacon to will be some way off. It is hoped that the beacon will return to the air in the future so that an ‘old friend’ will once again be heard on 2 metres. Chris Whitmarsh G0FDZ Beacon Keeper GB3VHF
Kurzwelle und Kunst?!
Bei dieser Installation werden Kurzwellensounds und Rundfunkbeiträge (Amateurfunk?) in einen Raum abgespielt. Kooperation mit dem ET Lehrstuhl der TU Dresden. Die Sounds wurden an der Klubstation aufgenommen.
Cross-over Stipendium
Ein Kooperationsprojekt der Hochschule für Bildenden Künste Dresden,
der Technischen Universität Dresden,
finanziert durch die Kulturstiftung Dresden der Dresdner Bank.
Abschlusspräsentation der Stipendiaten Ulrike Mundt und Demjan Tschistjakow.Eröffnung am 27. November um 19.00 Uhr in der Galerie Brühlsche Terrasse.
Bis 18. Januar 2009.
Geöffnet Dienstag bis Sonntag von 11 bis 18 Uhr.